新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018群星MARS创新创业大赛拉开帷幕,赋能新一代创业者


2018 stars MARS innovation entrepreneurship competition, assigned to a new generation of entrepreneurs

2018-08-20 18:48:00来源: 品途网

8月20日,由群星资本、多牛传媒和奕秋资本联合主办的2018群星MARS创新创业大赛正式拉开帷幕。届时,数百位知名企业家、投资人、产业先锋和上千名创业精英将在北京引爆全新赛事。 群星MARS大赛始终坚持着对创新创业的信仰,怀抱无限热忱,帮助创业者打通业界关系、梳理业务体系、获得资本支持,为创业者提供更宽广的发展平台。这项被业界称为中国最专业、最具影响力的创投盛会已累计12000个有效创业项目参赛,融资总额达135亿。1500家投资机构深度参与,100位业内大咖和创投资深人士参与赛事现场点评和选手指导,500多家主流媒体和100多家知名垂直媒体全程强势曝光。2013“梦想打出来”,20...

On August 20, of stars, many media and yi qiu capital 2018 stars MARS innovation entrepreneurship competition hosted by the officially kicked off. At that time, hundreds of well-known entrepreneurs, investors, industry pioneer and thousands of entrepreneurial elite will set off a new event in Beijing. & have spent MARS series stars always adhere to the faith in innovative undertaking, with unlimited enthusiasm, helping entrepreneurs through the industry relations, combing the business system, capital support, provide more broad development platform for entrepreneurs. The industry called China's most professional, the most influential venture event has 12000 valid startup project, financing totalling 13.5 billion. Depth of 1500 investment institutions to participate in, 100 major cafe and venture capital industry veteran who participate in the race site review and guidance, more than 500 in the mainstream media and more than 100 well-known full strong vertical media exposure. 2013 "dream", 20...