新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷霆战机蓝图仓库满了扩充方法


Thunder fighter blueprint warehouse full expansion method

2016-02-15 15:18:52来源: 4399

《雷霆战机》是国内首款星座剧情推图类飞行射击手游。新功能装备进化系统重磅上线,在这个系统中,最重要的材料就是装备蓝图了。游戏中仓库存放物品的数量是的限的,那么仓库的格满了要如何才能扩允箱子呢?下面一起来看看蓝图仓库扩充方法。 雷霆战机仓库满了扩充方法: 大家只要在仓库满了之后继续去闯...

"Thunder fighter" is the first star of the constellation of the plot to push the class flight shooting hand travel. New features and equipment evolution system heavy line, in this system, the most important material is a blueprint for the equipment. The number of items in the game warehouse storage is limited, then the warehouse is full of how to expand the box to allow it to look at the following ways to look at the blueprint warehouse expansion method. Thunder fighter warehouse full of expansion methods: as long as we continue to go after the warehouse full...