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海量活动助阵新春佳节 《死神觉醒》惊喜连连

Huge amounts of activity "death awareness" surprises of the Spring Festival

2016-02-07 09:51:16来源: 4399

祥猴献瑞,新春送礼!“划”时代格斗动作手游《死神觉醒》新春贺岁活动正式开启,全新版本“破面来袭”,十刃破面携手番队队长联袂带来新春祝福,天天都有新惊喜!还在犹豫什么?赶快加入游戏体验吧! 新人气角色震撼登场 新版本新增了十一章内容,玩家70级便能体验!破面角色现已更新乌尔奇奥拉·西法...

Auspicious monkey in delight, the New Year gift! "Row" combat action mobile game "death awareness" officially opened New Year New Year activities, new version "" broken face strikes, ten broken blade surface to team captain as the New Year blessing, every day there are new surprise! Hesitating? Hurry up to join the game experience! New popular role shock The new version has added 11 chapters, level 70 players can experience! Crumpling role now update ur Mr. La lucifer...