新关注 > 信息聚合 > AMD 首款 7nm 显卡 Radeon VII 国行价格曝光:5999元

AMD 首款 7nm 显卡 Radeon VII 国行价格曝光:5999元

AMD first 7 nm graphics card Radeon hd exposure VII legal channels price: 5999 yuan

2019-01-30 10:13:28来源: IT之家

IT之家1月30日消息 今年1月10日,在AMD的CES主题演讲中,苏姿丰博士发布了世界首款7nm显卡AMD Radeon VII。AMD Radeon VII将会在2月7日发售,售价699美元。现在淘宝商家已经开启这款显卡的预售,主要的价格都在5999元左右。 据介绍,AMD Radeon VII拥有60个CU,3840个流处理器,核心频率1.8GHz,16GB HBM2显存,1TB/s显存带宽,搭载三风扇散热,双8pin供电。目前来看,蓝宝石的这款Radeon VII核心频率1400MHz,加速频率1750MHz,低于公版的核心加速频率1.8GHz。相关阅读:《AMD Radeo...

IT's home on January 30 On January 10, in AMD CES keynote, Dr Su Zi feng released the world's first 7 nm graphics AMD Radeon VII. AMD Radeon VII will launch on February 7, priced at $699. The advance sale of taobao sellers has now opened the graphics card, the price of the main is controlled in 5999 yuan. & have spent According to introducing, more than 60 CU, AMD Radeon VII 3840 stream processors, core 1.8 GHz frequency, 16 gb HBM2 ram, 1 TB/s memory bandwidth, carrying three fan cooling, double 8 pin power supply. For now, the sapphire of this core Radeon VII frequency 1400 MHZ, accelerate the frequency 1750 MHZ, lower than the male version of the core accelerated frequency 1.8 GHz. Related: "AMD Radeo...