新关注 > 信息聚合 > 烈焰繁花冒险行《疾风剑魂》让英雄梦继续


Flaming flowers line adventure "flurry sword spirit" keep heroic dream

2016-04-11 13:48:20来源: 一游网

你我都有一个英雄梦,这个梦可以是如超人一样,在欢呼声中再次拯救世界,也可以是成为无名剑客默默守护大陆,鲜衣怒马烈焰繁花只为心中的正义拔剑。现在,和你我怀着同样梦想的冒险者们,已经齐聚《疾风剑魂》的世界,在这个国民电竞动作手游大作的召唤下,把我们的英雄梦想继续下去~! 《疾风剑魂》与梦...

You and I both have a hero dream, this dream can be like a superman, to save the world again in the cheers, also can be become a nameless swordsman, silent guard mainland fresh clothes NuMa flame shoots for justice, drew in the heart. Now, you and me with the same dream of adventures, have gathered in the high wind sword soul of the world, in the call of the national e-sports action mobile game was blowing, please continue with our hero dream ~! The high winds sword soul and dream...