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溯源码扫出商品源头 贝贝网让用户放心购物

Tracing the source sweep out goods source beibei the net allows users to rest assured shopping

2017-03-29 16:18:33来源: DoNews

时至今日,无论是线上电商,还是线下实体店。手机购物已成为消费习惯。需要“扫一扫”的二维码已经逐渐成为商家为了服务消费者的便捷标配。如今,在一些网购商品上扫一扫还能知道商品来路,让购物更放心,这样的平台就包括母婴电商贝贝网。这个“扫一扫”不烦人 能帮你溯源商品如今的消费者对母婴商品的要求相对其他商品更高,商品从哪来成了每一个妈妈的疑问。溯源码正是能让妈妈们扫出“品质”的神器,通过小小的二维码直溯商品源头,确保品质货源。据了解,贝贝网每一件自营的跨境商品都拥有专属溯源码,用户扫描后可获知商品信息、报关单、报检单、保税区信息、物流信息等,深入且全面的了解货源信息,确保正品品质。例如,这款2016年在...

Today, the online mall, or offline store. Mobile phone shopping has become a consumption habits. Need to "scan" qr code has gradually become the businessman in order to service consumers the convenience of the standard. Today, sweep out on some online shopping goods also can know goods path, make shopping more at ease, such platform, including maternal and infant electricity beibei net. Sweep out the "" not boring can help you back goods today's consumer demand for maternal and infant products higher relative to other goods, goods from which come into every mother's question. It was traced back to the source code can let mother sweep out the "quality" of artifacts, through small qr code tracing the source of goods, ensure quality goods. Learned, beibei net each proprietary cross-border goods have exclusive traced back to the source code, users can learn after scanning commodity information, customs declaration, inspection declaration sheet, bonded area information, logistics information, etc., in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the sources of information, to ensure the quality of the real thing. For example, the 2016 in...