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技术宅 实力手工帝用3D打印耗费35小时自制噶爪

Technology curtilage strength manual emperor with 3 d printing costs 35 hours homemade kagyu claw

2016-01-06 15:35:49来源: 新浪

这个嘎爪Codsworth可能不会戴着礼帽跟你打招呼,但能从《辐射4》里走到现实中来也是非常令人兴奋的。 Istagram网游Mark Mosinski使用3D打印自己制作了嘎爪的手办模型,经过长达35个小时的打印、打磨和喷色,这名大家最喜欢的机器人管家就这么栩栩如生地出现在了大家的...

The ga claw Codsworth may not wearing a hat with you say "hello", but can walk from the radiation 4 to reality is also very exciting. Istagram games Mark Mosinski using 3 d printing make you own the ga claw hand model, after more than 35 hours of print, polishing and spray color, the people's favorite robot housekeeper so vividly in everyone...