新关注 > 信息聚合 > 派拉蒙TV获《战地》系列电视剧改编版权 PC游戏还..

派拉蒙TV获《战地》系列电视剧改编版权 PC游戏还..

Paramount TV battlefield "TV series adaptation of copyright PC gaming. Also.

2016-07-12 16:24:12来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】7月12日消息,据DICE(美国艺电旗下的一个游戏工作室)宣布,Anonymous Content制片和派拉蒙TV已经获得了《战地》系列电视剧集的改编权,这意味着未来以《战地》为背景的电视剧集将会被搬上荧幕。 《战地》系列游戏是DICE出品的最为成功的游戏,这款运...

【 】 TechWeb reported on July 12, according to DICE (electronic arts, a game studios) announced that Anonymous Content producers and Paramount TV series has won the "battlefield" television series of film, which means that the future is set in the field of television sets will be moved on the screen. "War" series game is the most successful games, DICE released this shipment...

标签: 游戏 PC