新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《史努比》电影改编游戏或将于年内与玩家见面


"Snoopy" film adaptation of the game or will be in years with the players meet

2015-06-28 02:19:38来源: 电玩巴士

《史努比》的电影就要在与我们见面了,Activision也计划在3DS和WiiU平台发行电影改编游戏《史努比大电影:史努比的大冒险》。从目前的情报来看这款游戏有可能是平台动作类,史努比将于查理布朗一起与敌人作战,发售日应该也定在年内。 相信不久之后官方会正式公布本作的消息,请玩家们关...

"Snoopy" film to meet with us in, Activision also plans in 3ds and wiiu platform release of the film adaptation of the game "Snoopy movie: Snoopy's big adventure". From the current point of view of the intelligence of this game is likely to be a platform for action, Snoopy will be together with the enemy Brown Charlie, the sale date should be set in the year. Believe that shortly after the official announcement of the official news, please the players off...

标签: 玩家 电影 游戏