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KAKA微博发EHOME 天才少年去向成疑

KAKA micro-blog EHOME prodigy

2015-08-22 14:13:04来源: 游久网

KAKA最新的微博让他的去向疑云密布。.. 今日凌晨,KAKA微博忽然发出EHOME五个字母,让人浮想联翩。前阵子,马甲哥的贴吧管理曾爆料KAKA加盟LGD(查看详情),但是今天卡师傅的微博让这...

KAKA latest micro-blog let his whereabouts under suspicion. I am today, KAKA micro-blog suddenly issued five letters of EHOME, people Thoughts thronged one's mind. Recently, the management of the Post Bar vest brother who broke the news to LGD KAKA (see details), but today the micro-blog let the master card...