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新游《天书世界》首曝 哥们网原创IP抢先揭秘

"New world" mumbo-jumbo first exposed buddy net original IP preemptive secret

2015-03-06 16:37:07来源: 新浪

今日,国内一线网页游戏平台哥们网,发布了其首款开年大作《天书世界》。据悉,这款产品将作为哥们网2015年的主打力作,并将于3月27日开启首次封测。 这款被誉为哥们网首款“原创IP巨制”的新作,历经2年潜心打造,是一款融合了ARPG和SLG经典元素的创新页游。游戏独创“在线时长收益”模...

today, the domestic first-line Webpage buddy network game platform, released its first year as a "big world" mumbo-jumbo. It is reported, this product will be brothers in 2015 and opened the first flagship masterpiece, IC packaging and testing in March 27th. This is known as the buddy network first "original IP blockbuster" new work, after 2 years of painstaking build, which is a combination of ARPG and SLG classic elements of innovation Webpage Game. The original "online game long income" mode...