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Behind the success of the Switch, cannot leave the nintendo merge within five years ago

2018-06-25 16:30:00来源: 游戏时光

5年前,任天堂进行了一次当时看来不怎么起眼的内部改革,却直接推动了它们今天的华丽转身。这次改革,就是2013年任天堂对主机和掌机游戏开发部门的合并。在此之前,这两个部门其中一个专注于 Wii U 这样的家庭主机,而另一个则专为 3DS 这样的掌机开发游戏。任天堂合并这两个部门的用意是为了加快开发速度,同时让创意团队可以更好地分享想法和技术。这场变革并没有对 Wii U 起到明显的作用,但最终它在 Switch 上收获了成绩。本文来自 The Verge,标题《A more unified Nintendo is the secret to the Switch’s massive succes...

Five years ago, nintendo made a seems not perfect rhythm of internal reform at the time, but direct push them today. This reform, that is, the nintendo 2013 merger of host and handheld game development department. Prior to this, one of the two departments focus on the Wii U such family host, while another is designed for 3 ds handheld game development. Nintendo to merge the two departments was designed in order to speed up the development, at the same time let the creative team can better share ideas and technologies. This change is not for the Wii U have obvious effect, but in the end it harvest the result on the Switch. This article from The Verge, titled "A more unified Nintendo is The secret to The Switch 's massive succes...

标签: Switch 任天堂