新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不做造型僵尸 水泥森林里的一周舒适穿搭

不做造型僵尸 水泥森林里的一周舒适穿搭

Do other zombies in the concrete forest a week comfortable outfit

2015-12-11 14:04:50来源: YOKA男士网

Monday 黑色星期一,正当其他同事都还陷在‘倒时差’的混沌中,你已经用干练的灰色双排扣让上司在例会时留下不拖泥带水的好印象。没有一本正经的系上领带,取而代之的是一条抢眼的条纹围巾,休闲与正装...

Monday men's black Monday, while other colleagues are still stuck in the "chaos jet lag", you have to let the boss left a good impression in the messy meeting with the gray double breasted crisp. No poker-faced the tie, replaced by a eye-catching striped scarf, casual and formal...