新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绝色桂花美人相伴 《劲舞团》福利不断

绝色桂花美人相伴 《劲舞团》福利不断

By the stunning beauty of osmanthus fragrans "audition" benefits

2016-09-07 09:41:51来源: 17173

疏影斑驳暗香来,无人知是桂花开。秋日已至,大街小巷弥漫着浓郁的香甜气息,如此醉人秋色,有桂香与美人相伴,岂不快哉。《劲舞团》今秋与你共赏角色桂花,有美人相伴,更有无限福利等待领取。 【美季签到 缤纷好礼跑不掉】 在活动期间,玩家单日在商城累积消费满5000M币即可签到点亮一个美人印...

Thin film mottled fragrance, no one know is the sweet osmanthus. Autumn has come, the streets filled with full-bodied sweet smell, so intoxicating autumn, cinnamon and beauty go hand in hand, not quick zai. The audition this fall with you totally sweet osmanthus, have beauty, more have unlimited benefits waiting to receive. "Beautiful season sign in profusion gifts to run not to drop" during the event, players in a single day in the mall cumulative consumption with 5000 m COINS can sign in to light up a beauty print...