新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《征途2动作版》7月24日二测开启 减负玩法将上线

《征途2动作版》7月24日二测开启 减负玩法将上线

"Journey 2 version of action" on July 24, the second test open burden gameplay will be on-line giant of sina

2015-07-13 16:11:34来源: 新浪

巨人首款征途系列2.5D新作《征途2动作版》首测已圆满结束,无论是从画面、技能特效、首创的RTS即时国战玩法、特色无职业模式等,均获得了玩家们较高的肯定。今日,官方正式公布7月24日将开启二测,并有大量新版本内容同步更新。 7.24二测开启,测试资格预约开启 目前《征途2动作版》已...

the first paragraph Journey Series 2.5D new "Journey 2 action version of the" first test has been successfully completed, both from the screen, the special skill, the first RTS instant in war games, features no career mode etc. were obtained players high affirmation. Today, officially announced in July 24th will open the two test, and a large number of new version of the content synchronization update. Two 7.24 test to open, the test is qualified to open the current journey 2 action version has been...