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暴雪嘉年华预览:炉边线下的对决 赢取纪念章

BlizzCon Preview: fireside line of battle to win Memorial chapter

2015-10-11 17:12:25来源: 站长之家

[摘要] 暴雪公布了暴雪嘉年华上炉边好友的炉石旅店角,现场参与活动还有炉石徽章纪念品可以拿~暴雪嘉年华的活动缤纷多彩,不过大家也不要忘了来看看咱们真正的炉石旅店哦! 嘉年华炉边好友展区活动预览 暴雪公布了暴雪嘉年华上炉边好友的炉石旅店角,现场参与活动还有炉石徽章纪念品可以拿~ 暴...

[Abstract] Blizzard announced the Blizzcon fireside friends of Hearthstone Inn angle, on-site to participate in activities and hearthstone souvenir badge can take ~ BlizzCon activities colorful, but we also don't forget to look at our real Hearthstone Inn Oh! Carnival fireside friend exhibition activities preview Blizzard announced the Blizzcon fireside friends of Hearthstone Inn angle, participation in activities and hearthstone souvenir badge can take ~ violence...

标签: 嘉年华 暴雪