新关注 > 信息聚合 > 斯皮思交生涯最低61杆 飞上强鹿精英赛榜首

斯皮思交生涯最低61杆 飞上强鹿精英赛榜首

SPIs make career minimum 61 pole flying deer elite race to the top of the

2015-07-12 10:45:06来源: 新浪

小飞侠斯皮思 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月12日,美国大师赛和美国公开赛双料冠军乔丹-斯皮思伊利诺斯时间星期六在鹿场TPC射下两头老鹰,另外抓到六只小鸟,交出生涯最低杆61杆,低于标准杆10杆,一下...

Peter Pan SPIs of sina sports news Beijing time on July 12, master the match and the US Open champion Jordan spieth Illinois time on six in TPC Luchang launched two eagles, also caught six birds, to hand over the lowest career rod, rod, under standard lever 10 bar,...