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银行爆窃者1-5关通关攻略 图文攻略详解

Bank burglary 1-5 customs Raiders Raiders

2014-12-29 21:53:23来源: 4399

作为策略型游戏银行爆窃者(Crash! Boom! Bank!)来说,最有趣的不是在爆破完成的瞬间,而是解开完美过关的过程。接下来,小编就为大家来说说1-5关的通关攻略。 等待画有骷髅图标的炸弹滚落到保险箱旁边,点击炸弹引爆。 1.点击炸弹下方的冰块,炸弹会顺着落下的斜坡获得第一个S...

explain the text as a strategy game bank burglary persons (Crash! Boom! Bank!), the most interesting is not in the blasting completed moment, but untie process perfect pass. Next, small make up for everybody to tell 1-5 off III. Waiting picture of a skull icon bomb rolled to the safe deposit box, click the bomb detonated. 1 click on the ice beneath the bomb, bomb will go down slope obtained the first S...