新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在《银河护卫队2》上映之前 我们能先玩到游戏

在《银河护卫队2》上映之前 我们能先玩到游戏

In the galaxy convoy 2 before release can we play the game

2017-03-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

漫威影业的《银河护卫队2》即将在5月上映,不过在那之前,你会先玩到由Telltale Games改编的《银河护卫队》游戏,制作组官方今天公布了第一章的发售日:4月18日。 这款由Telltale改编的游戏惯例也是按章节推出,4月发售的第一章售价5美元,提供数字版和光盘实体版,其中实体版要等到5月2日才会在北美地区上架。此外,官方还会在当地时间3月30日公布全新的游戏宣传片。 本作将率先登陆PS4、XboxOne、PC平台,之后也会推出iOS和安卓版本。

Diffuse pictures of "galaxy convoy 2" will be released in May, but until then, you can play to the first by the Telltale Games adaptation of "galaxy convoy" game, production team official launch of the first chapter: released today on April 18th. This is an adaptation of a Telltale game practice according to chapter, $5 on sale on April the first chapter, CD entity and provide digital editions, including entity version will have to wait until May 2 will be in North America. In addition, the official also will be announced in the local time on March 30, the new video game. This will take the lead in landing PS4, XboxOne, PC platform, will be launched after the iOS and android version.

标签: 游戏