新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传奇系列网游首度携手 首届全民竞赛将启动

传奇系列网游首度携手 首届全民竞赛将启动

Legend series of online games for the first time to join the first national competition will start

2015-12-16 10:42:38来源: 17173

谈及中国网游经典产品,传奇系列是当之无愧的领军巨作。2001年至今,经历了15年风霜雪雨,属于传奇的PK激情从未改变! 在2016年到来之际,传奇系列网游将陆续推出各具特色的新区版本,并携手开启史上最具规模的PK战役!《热血传奇》、《传奇归来》、《传奇续章》、《热血传奇白金时长版》、...

Talk about classic products online Chinese, the legendary leader masterpiece series is fully deserve. Since 2001, has experienced 15 years of wind snow and rain, which belongs to the legendary PK passion has never changed! On the occasion of the arrival of 2016, the legendary series of online games will continue to launch a new version of each feature, and join hands to open up the history of the most large-scale PK campaign! "Legend of the blood", "the return of the legend", "legend chapter", "blood legend platinum long version",...

标签: 网游