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More details exposure "guard dog 2" version 1.13 content index

2017-04-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

育碧宣布《看门狗2》1.13版本免费内容更新将于4月17日在主机及PC平台开放下载,同时,《看门狗2》的第三部DLC “永不妥协”也将于4月18日正式登陆PS4平台。 本次的1.13版本免费内容更新将是《看门狗2》到目前为止最大的一次免费更新,不仅增加了全新的武器、服饰以及一些调整与bug修复,还有全新多人PVP模式:“决斗”(Showd0wn)! 1.13版本更新内容如下: 【全新在线PVP模式:决斗】 这是一种全新的在线2v2多人对抗比赛,玩家可随机匹配或与好友一同游戏。决斗的比赛类型将分为三种,分别是:窃取HDD,“毁灭下载”以及删除或保护服务器。这些比赛将跨越15个不同的...

Ubisoft announced "guard dog 2" version 1.13 free updates on April 17, the host and PC platforms available, at the same time, "guard dog 2" the third DLC "erin brockovich" will formally landing on April 18th the PS4 platform. This version 1.13 free updates will be "guard dog 2" so far, one of the largest free updates not only increases the new weapons, clothing and some adjustment and bug fixes, and new multiplayer PVP: "duel" (Showd0wn)! Version 1.13 update content is as follows: the new online PVP mode: duel 】 this is a kind of brand-new online 2 v2 people fight game, players can randomly match or game with friends. Duel game types will be divided into three kinds, respectively is: stealing HDD, download the "destruction" and delete or protect the server. These games will span of 15 different...