新关注 > 信息聚合 > 运气决定一切 RPG游戏《骰子魔法师》下周来战

运气决定一切 RPG游戏《骰子魔法师》下周来战

Luck decides all RPG game "dice magician" next week to fight

2015-08-16 15:23:01来源: 任玩堂

Dice Mage《骰子魔法师》是一款非常看脸看人品的游戏,用什么牌子的洗面奶将决定了你在这款游戏中的一切。国外游戏开发商 Boarding Party Games 宣布将于下周推出这款由骰子说了算的 RPG 新作,这款游戏到底如何?来看看下面这段视频便可以了解一二。 这款游戏采用了像...

Dice mage the dice Wizard "is a very face to see the character of the game, what brand of facial cleanser will determine everything you do in this game. Foreign game developers Party Games Boarding announced that it will launch the new version of the RPG by the dice next week, the game in the end how? Come and see the video below one or two. The game uses a...

标签: 游戏