新关注 > 信息聚合 > 公主也能如此强悍 十大独一无二的游戏女主角

公主也能如此强悍 十大独一无二的游戏女主角

Princess is so powerful in ten large unique game heroine

2015-08-17 10:11:38来源: 新浪

电玩游戏里的主角通常都还是男性,女性角色在游戏里时常就是等待被救援的设定(远)不过女主角设计得够经典~也是能像萨尔达公主或碧琪公主那样让人一看就认出是什么游戏,以下由外国网站选出10大游戏女主角,都极富象征性,对于游戏界都是影响很大、无法取代的独一无二经典角色唷! Chell(传送门)...

video game protagonist usually still male, female characters in the game often is to wait for rescue set (far) but the heroine design enough classical ~ but also can like Princess Zelda or azure jade princess that let a person see recognized what games, following by foreign web sites selected 10 game heroine, highly symbolic, for gaming is influence unique Yo of the classic role of the large and cannot be substituted. Chell (portal)...

标签: 游戏