新关注 > 信息聚合 > MVP:QO离队March服兵役 两队有望合并

MVP:QO离队March服兵役 两队有望合并

MVP:QO departure March service teams of military service is expected to merge

2015-08-16 11:44:54来源: 游久网

据可靠消息称,MVP.phx战队在TI5上获得第7/8名的成之后,发布了队员QO要离队的消息,同时该消息亦称队员March还没确定服兵役后是否继续打职业,但他表示想打完2015年的所有比赛。 MVP战队名单的变动是因为QO要履行其他的承诺,所以在接下来的几个内他不在南韩。而March...

according to reliable sources, team MVP.phx ti5 obtained the 7 / 8 name of, the release of the players Qo to offload message, also the message also known as players March yet to be determined for military service whether to continue playing professionally, but he said want to finish in 2015 in all competitions. The change in the MVP team is due to QO to perform other commitments, so he is not in South Korea in the next few. And March...