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让经验飞 画皮世界2新手冲级攻略曝光

To make the experience of flying painted world 2 novice leveling Raiders exposure Sina

2015-08-17 11:44:12来源: 新浪

近日,麒麟游戏旗舰力作《画皮世界2》迎来了首轮不删档测试,服务器一经开启,玩家强势入驻新服“九霄美狐”。众多牛人汇聚一堂,如何能从中脱颖而出?今天我们将为您献上实用的新手冲级攻略,希望能抛砖引玉,引更多高玩分享游戏心得。 途径一、主线任务 在前期,尤其是40级之前,完成主线任务是...

recently, kylin game flagship masterpiece "the painted world 2" ushered in the first round of test does not delete files, upon opening the server players strong settled new clothes "fox jiuxiao the United States". Many expert together, how can the talent showing itself? Today, we will offer you practical novice leveling Raiders, hope to cast a brick to attract jade, attract more high play to share the experience of the game. Way one, the main task in the early stage, especially in the 40 stage, the main task is to complete the main line...