新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全新家族战玩法曝光《征途2》启动策略PVP新模式


New family war games exposure "Journey 2" to start the strategy new PvP mode

2015-08-17 13:54:35来源: 新浪

在刚结束不久的2015年CJ采访现场,《征途2》制作人赵剑枫在谈征途PVP玩法的时候着重强调了全新的家族战玩法。 在本次《征途2》8.21新资料片“传家宝”中的家族玩法将会启动“开放性”的家族PVP玩法,打造更公平的家族战模式,以此来促进家族成员的活跃度。 家族将迎重大革新玩法,...

in the just concluded soon as 2015 CJ live interviews, "Journey 2" producer Zhao Jianfeng talking about journey PVP gameplay emphasizes the new family war games. In this "Journey 2" 8.21 new information on the film "Jiabao" in the family play will start the "open" family PVP play, to create a more equitable family warfare mode, in order to promote the family members of the active degree. The family will face major innovative play,...