新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颠覆传统 《火瀑》首创横向角色发展机制

颠覆传统 《火瀑》首创横向角色发展机制

The subversion of the traditional "fire waterfall" first transverse role development mechanism of

2015-08-17 16:39:02来源: 17173

还在玩那些一个职业玩到底的游戏吗?还在没完没了的为了升级而拼命吗?好莱坞硬科幻网游《火瀑》(Firefall)颠覆传统,首创“横向角色发展”的游戏机制,还原游戏娱乐、放松的本质,给你更多游戏乐趣! 《火瀑》精美游戏截图 横向角色发展——定义 和传统RPG游戏单纯以升级系统和为角色...

is still playing an occupation who play in the end game? Is still in the endless to upgrade and desperately? To subvert the traditional Hollywood hard science fiction online games the firefall (firefall), the first game mechanism of "horizontal development", the game for fun, relaxation, the essence of reduction, give you more fun games. "Exquisite" firefall screenshots transverse role definitions and traditional RPG game development -- simply to upgrade the system and for the role...