新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《闪乱神乐EV》购买部与绝秘传忍法等新系统


"The new system flash deities EV" purchase department and the vast esoteric could method

2015-03-04 10:03:53来源: 电玩巴士

MARVELOUS预定于3月26日发售的PSV/PS4动作游戏《闪乱神乐EV 少女们的选择》在本周的Fami通杂志中介绍了购买部以及战斗中的必杀技等新情报。此前在企划书中透露的“绝秘传忍法”和“合体飞翔乱舞”终于公开了详情。 购买部系统与前作SV差不多,除了可以购买各种道具外,可以通...

MARVELOUS bus is scheduled for a March 26th release PSV/PS4 action game "golden God EV girls' choice" in this week's Fami magazine introduced the purchase department and the battle of Nirvana and other new intelligence. Previously disclosed in planning in the book "the vast esoteric tolerance law" and "fit to fly flurry" finally discloses details. Purchase department system before and almost SV, in addition to buy props, can pass...