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《传奇起源》PK才是王道 万人攻城什么样?

The origin of legendary PK is king Ten thousand siege?

2017-08-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

二十年前,那个时候电脑还没有这么发达,能有幸玩游戏的,到现在基本也都成家立业了,但是那个时候的游戏,却成为了所有游戏的鼻祖,多少年过去,依旧让人怀念。 《传奇起源》回归游戏本质,让玩家自由主导角色的成长路线,拒绝僵化繁琐的各类主线任务,享受成长的历程,享受打怪的打击感,享受PK的操作感,各种职业平衡发展,投入时间和精力才是发展的王道,传承发展“传奇”的精髓,你的地盘你做主。游戏攻城战分为三个类: 篝火据点争夺 和传统的传奇不一样的地方在于,篝火据点战是以工会的形式来进行的,时间在每周一的19:00-19:30。游戏活动开始后会在许愿森林的据点出现图腾,而工会来击杀图腾柱,回获得加经...

Twenty years ago, when the computer was not so developed, can have the honor to play games, to basic are married now, but the game at that time, but became the ancestor of all games, how many years in the past, still let people miss. Origin of legends, return to nature of the game, for players to free the growth of the dominant role route, refused to rigid tedious various quests, enjoy the growth process, enjoy the play blame hit feeling, enjoy the operation of the PK, balance of various professional development investment of time and effort is the development of kingly way, inheriting the essence of "legend" development, you place your boss. Siege warfare game is divided into three categories: fire positions for different place and traditional legend is that fire battle stronghold in the form of trade unions, time at 19:00-7:30 p.m. on Monday. Games after the start will appear in wishing forest stronghold of totem, and trade unions to kill totem pole, to get by...