新关注 > 信息聚合 > 春天撒礼不停歇 JJ比赛欢乐周持续精彩

春天撒礼不停歇 JJ比赛欢乐周持续精彩

In the spring and the ritual non-stop JJ happy week last match is exciting

2017-03-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一年之计在于春,“春天礼”活动刚刚结束,JJ比赛(微博)的“欢乐周”活动又开始啦!如此密集的活动,都是为了回馈喜爱棋牌游戏的你。 JJ比赛“欢乐周”活动已经清新开启啦,即日起到3月16日,玩家只要登陆JJ比赛客户端,就可以免费参与精彩刺激的比赛,有机会赢取55寸液晶电视、平板电脑、智能手机、购物卡、电烤箱等给力大奖! “欢乐周”活动期间,JJ比赛为玩家准备了4000余件奖品,样样精品,特别适合抱回家。活动期间的比赛也是丰富多样,多达19款精品游戏参与活动,斗地主、欢乐斗地主、大众麻将、升级等、二人斗地主、血流成河等,总有一款让你玩得畅快! 这么给力的活动有没有让你技痒?快来JJ比赛...

Spring, spring ritual activities had just ended, JJ game (weibo) "happy week" activities begin again! So intense activity, is for the feedback you like board games. JJ game "happy week" activities have pure and fresh and open, now on March 16, players go to JJ game client, you can free to participate in exciting game, have a chance to win a 55 inch LCD TV, tablet PC, smart phones, gift CARDS, electric oven, etc to award! "Happy week" during the activity, JJ game for players of more than 4000 PCS, all high-quality goods, especially suitable for home. Activities during the games is also a rich variety, as many as 19 high-quality goods game to participate in activities, doudizhu, joy doudizhu, Volkswagen mahjong, upgrade, etc., two people fight the landlord, the blood become river, etc., there is always a let you had a carefree! So to let you feeling really ambitious activities? Come and JJ game...