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久游网SP悬念站上线 首创A.RTS全新定义RTS

Jiuyou SP suspense station on the line the first A.RTS a new definition of RTS

2015-12-10 11:35:11来源: 天极网

久游网今日上线了一个域名为http://sp.9you.com的悬念站。悬念站首屏的设计极为简单,但其黑底黄字甚为醒目的“SP”则引起玩家热议。这两个精短的字母指代的到底是special、speed还是 SUPER,一时间众说纷纭。 而更为神秘的是久游网首创的A.RTS这个游戏概念。...

Jiuyou on-line today a domain name for http://sp.9you.com suspense station. Suspense station first screen design is very simple, but its black background yellow word very eye-catching SP is caused by the player hot. These two short letters refer to what is special, speed or SUPER, a time Public opinions are divergent. More mysterious is the game concept Jiuyou first A.RTS. ...