新关注 > 信息聚合 > 史上最赚钱的名枪 聊聊游戏中那些魔改AK47

史上最赚钱的名枪 聊聊游戏中那些魔改AK47

In the history of the most profitable name gun talk about the game the magic change AK47

2015-10-13 10:44:25来源: 17173


AK47 as the most famous firearms in the world, known as "let the war is more likely to lead to the weapon, AK47 designers dubbed lot of meritorious service. But no matter who, will not think in the real world of online games, AK47 has also been developed an unlimited value, and to a large extent can be said, it is because of the transformation of AK47, the creation of high income, achievements of the shooting game (text / sun moon...

标签: 游戏