新关注 > 信息聚合 > 部落冲突新手低本常用流派心得技巧分享


Tribal conflict novice low commonly used this genre result skill sharing

2016-02-23 12:19:22来源: 4399

最新小编发现一个问题,有很多部落冲突首领都是低本玩家,非常需要一些低本玩家常用的流派!低本流派大家其实应该都有所了解,下面就给大家带来这些流派一些简单使用心得,帮助大家更好的过渡! 4399部落冲突交流群:531517207 欢迎大家加入 1、天胖流 天胖流就是天使加上巨人的组合,...

New small make up has found a problem, there are a lot of tribal conflict leader is low this player, very need some commonly used low this player genre! Low this genre everyone to understand somewhat, actually should be below will bring these schools use some simple tips and help them better transition! 4399 tribal conflict communication group: 4399 welcome to join 1, day fat flow Day fat flow is an angel and the combination of the giant,...