新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄联盟撸duan子:GOGOING与厂子谁更像艾克


Heroes union Lu: GOGOING and Duan - who is more like AIKE

2015-11-11 10:38:47来源: 巴士LOL


recently a little peace, S5 is known as the most likely winner, the LPL was made a life can not take care of themselves, even Europe and fishing than they are forced to play better. The quarter finals after the last one China team EDG has been eliminated, a time line and circle heavenly grief, crying father mother, live to eat X, stand up and spray team player, of every hue than the busy degree can emerge in an endless stream, China in the street shouting bitch. In this...

标签: 英雄联盟