新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全民飞机大战远征模式白羊宫通关攻略


National aircraft war expedition mode of Aries palace clearance

2015-11-12 00:21:51来源: 4399

远征模式确实和前面的经典或者是双打模式都是不一样的。今天就有小编带你们看看远征模式中的白羊宫是怎么样的? 在进入远征模式前,各位基友们需注意,一定要设置好你的战机,这样后面的模式中即使你的一架战机死亡后,也可以选择其他的战机来进行接龙。这里就特别体现出收藏战机的作用,只有玩家拥有强大的...

expedition mode is indeed the same as the previous classic or double mode is not the same. Today is Xiaobian take you to see the expedition mode in Aries is? In the expedition mode before, the need to pay attention to your bestie, be sure to set up your fighter, so behind the mode even if a fighter you after death, can also choose to fight the other machine. This is particularly reflected in the role of the collection of aircraft, only players have a strong...