新关注 > 信息聚合 > DOTA圈老好人:你不知道的三生三世


Dota community old man: you don't know the Sansei III

2015-07-10 11:17:06来源: 游久网

不知梦起何处,但见圆梦今昔 2014年7月21号,西雅图的夜晚绚丽迷人。王兆辉吃完一碗蛋炒饭之后沉沉地睡着了。几个小时前,他和他的队友在总决赛中击败了VG,捧得了TI4冠军神盾,夺得了全队1000多万美元的奖金。连日的比赛让他这个25岁的小伙子疲惫不已,浓浓的睡意盖过了之前的激动兴奋...

don't know dream up where at, but see the dreams of the past and present 21 July 2014. Seattle night gorgeous charming. Wang Zhaohui after eating a bowl of Fried rice with egg fast asleep. A few hours ago, he and his teammates in the finals beat VG, clinch the aegis Ti4 champion, won the team of more than 10 million dollars in prize money. The days of the game made him the 25 year old boy exhausted, before the sleepy thick over the excitement...

标签: DOTA