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CF争夺战中全是大赢家 尤其是游戏玩家

CF battle all the big winner, especially gamers

2015-12-02 15:30:50来源: 265G

11月26日晚,游戏圈发生了一件大事,第九城市宣布以5亿美元获得《穿越火线2》(CF)5年独家代理权,首期支付5000万美元。消息公布后九城股价大涨并在之后几天一路走高,从1.8美元攀升至4.36美元。 CF是历史上最赚钱的游戏之一,研发该游戏的韩国Smilegate(SG)也凭借这款...

The evening of November 26, an event took place ring game, the ninth city announced a $ 500 million was "Cross Fire 2" (CF) 5 years of exclusive rights, the first payment of $ 50 million. Ninetowns shares rose after the announcement and, after a few days climbing higher and higher, rising from $ 1.8 to $ 4.36. CF is one of the most profitable game in history, the development of the game in Korea Smilegate (SG) also by virtue of this ...

标签: 游戏 玩家 CF