新关注 > 信息聚合 > DOTA2小技巧:那些TP时能用的物品和技能


DOTA2 tips: those who can use TP when the items and skills

2015-01-21 16:50:38来源: 太平洋游戏网

TP及持续施法时能用的物品镇楼,图里少了王者之戒和暗影护符,其它的物品都会打断持续施法 物品就那些,接下来是技能,先是疾风步类技能,不打断tp,注意是疾风步,风行的风步不可以 蚂蚁的C也不会打断TP。 亚巴顿大招,主动释放会打断tp,但被动不会。

TP and continuous caster can use items Zhen Lou, Toury less king of the ring and shadow talisman, other items will interrupt spells on those items, next is the skill, first step blast spells, don't interrupt TP, pay attention to is the wind walk, wind step popular can't ant C also won't interrupt TP. Abadon strokes, active release would interrupt the TP passive, but not.

标签: DOTA