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The fans too warm! Dota2TI5 tickets sold out within 5 minutes

2015-03-31 19:17:45来源: 天极网

去年dota2的TI4赛事通过众筹取得了超级巨大的成功,最高的奖金池也是傲视全球MOBA类游戏赛事。而一年一度的TI盛事又要来临了。 根据V社官方的消息,北京时间3月28日凌晨1点开始在票务公司ticketmaster开卖的一万张TI5门票仅用6分钟就销售一空,而去年这个时间则为一小...

last year dota2 TI4 tournament made super great success through crowdfunding, the highest prize pool is the envy of the world class MOBA game events. And once a year the TI event is coming. According to the official V news agency, Beijing time on March 28th at 1 in the morning to start ten thousand TI5 tickets on sale at the ticket company Ticketmaster in only 6 minutes with sold out, and this time last year for a small...

标签: DOTA