新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《巫师3》去年卖了约600万份 累计销量超2800万

《巫师3》去年卖了约600万份 累计销量超2800万

Wizard 3 sold about 6 million copies last year, and the cumulative sales exceeded 28 million

2020-04-09 11:36:46来源: 游戏时光

  根据 CD PROJEKT 放出了最新财报显示,《巫师3:狂猎》在 2019 年的销售表现非常出色,卖出了约 600 万份,仅次于游戏首发的 2015 年。其中 53% 来自 PC 平台,26% 来自 PS4 平台,11% 来自 Switch 平台,10% 来自 Xbox One 平台。  2019 年大卖的两个原因主要是 Netflix 的《巫师》真人剧集很成功,吸引了许多新玩家。与此同时 Switch 《巫师3》发售也带来了新的销售增长点。  总的来说,《巫师3》目前全球累计销量约为 2830 万份,其中 PC 平台最畅销,卖出了大约 1240 万份;其次是 PS4 平台,总销量约为 1080 万,然后是 Xbox One 平台,约为 430 万,而 2019 年推出的 Switch 版则卖出了大约 7

According to the latest financial report released by CD Projectt, "Wizard 3: Wild hunting" has a very good sales performance in 2019, selling about 6 million copies, second only to the 2015 when the game was launched. 53% of them come from PC platform, 26% from PS4 platform, 11% from switch platform and 10% from Xbox one platform. Two main reasons for the 2019 sales are that Netflix's "Wizard" live show is very successful and attracts many new players. At the same time, the release of switch wizard 3 also brought new sales growth points. In general, wizardry 3 currently has a cumulative global sales volume of about 28.3 million, of which PC platform is the best-selling, with about 12.4 million sold; PS4 platform is the second, with a total sales volume of about 10.8 million, then Xbox one platform, with about 4.3 million sold, while switch version launched in 2019 has sold about 7