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迷失自我第1幕第一章攻略 Lost Within第1幕第一章

The first chapter introduction scene lost first Lost Within first

2015-04-20 16:37:06来源: 4399

在迷失自我(Lost Within)序幕第三章的最后,我们找到了小男孩的藏身之所。接下来还会发生怎样的情节呢?下面就赶快和木木一起来看看吧! 1.往前走几步,可以在右侧看到一个通风口。点击查看一下,应该是我们刚刚过来的那个房间。 2.继续往前,碰到一个架子拦住了出口,先不着急出去,往...

at the scene the first chapter lost (Lost Within) at the end of the third chapter of the prelude, we found the little boy hiding place. The plot will happen next? Below please and wood together to have a look! 1 take a few steps, you can see a vent on the right. Click the check, should be the room we had. 2 continue to move forward, met a shelf stopped exports, first in no hurry to go out, go to...