新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上万辆59坦克送出 《最后一炮》内测火爆

上万辆59坦克送出 《最后一炮》内测火爆

Tens of thousands of vehicles 59 tanks sent "a gun last online popular

2015-09-12 14:14:51来源: 17173

上万辆59坦克下山了,现代坦克集团进军!中青宝旗下现代装甲射击网游《最后一炮》昨日开放内测迎来开门红,短短几十分钟服务器全线爆满,数万用户蜂拥而至,千万场次的现代坦克陆战较量激情爆棚! 内测活动火爆进行中,上线就送59坦克,今日和张召忠将军同场匹配更可获赠十万金币奖励,更有99坦克模...

tens of thousands of vehicles 59 tanks came down from the mountain, a modern tank group march! Zhongqing Bao's modern armored shooting game for the final gun yesterday open beta ushered in a good start, full span of a few minutes server across the board, tens of thousands of people flocked to, screenings of the tens of millions of modern tanks marine contest passion overflowing! Online activities carried out in the hot, on-line sent 59 tanks, today and general Zhang Zhaozhong with matching can receive 1 00000 Gold Award, more 99 tanks mod...