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官场晋升无压力 《甜心格格》手游声望令获取攻略

Officialdom promotion without pressure "sweetheart to vanquish" mobile game rewards for strategy

2016-06-02 09:59:04来源: 一游网

在《甜心格格》手游中,小伙伴们最头疼的应该就是官品晋升的问题了。有时候等级是够了,声望令却还差了好多,只能眼巴巴的看着别的小伙伴高升。别担心,看这里!教你如何获得声望令,晋升速度嗖嗖的~ 最快捷的声望令获得途径就是每日的宫主考核,小伙伴们根据自身的实力选择考核的难度,难度越大的获胜以...

In the mobile game, the sweetheart to vanquish, friends should be of the most frustrating officer product promotion. Sometimes is enough, rewards but also sent a lot of, can only look at other friend promotion. Don't worry, look here! Teach you how to gain a reputation, the popularity of the promotion wooshing ~ the quickest speed to access is the palace of the main daily inspection, the difficulty of the assessment of the strength of other children according to their own choice, the greater the difficulty in winning...

标签: 手游