新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战锤射击新作《战锤40K:自由之刃》将发布


Warhammer shooting new Warhammer 40K: free edge "will be released

2015-11-08 16:34:01来源: 4399

在已有回合制策略游戏《战锤40K:末日天劫》、卡牌游戏《战锤40K:太空狼》等作品后,Pixel Toys又将目标锁定了“射击”系列,最新作《战锤40K:自由之刃》(Warhammer 40,000: Freeblade)将会以射击游戏的形式呈现给大家,该作的全球版也即将会发布。 《战...

in has a turn based strategy game Warhammer 40K: the end of the day to rob" card, card game Warhammer 40K: space wolf "and other works, pixel toys and will target lock" shooting "series, (Warhammer 40000: Freeblade), the latest in the Warhammer 40K: free edge" will be in form of a shooting game show to everyone, the global version also will be released. War...