新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从时装店主到芭莎模特 扒一扒《创造101》参赛选手张依依

从时装店主到芭莎模特 扒一扒《创造101》参赛选手张依依

The shopkeeper from fashion to bazaar model grilled steak a "101" contestant zhang yiyi

2018-04-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,由黄子韬、张杰、Ella,胡彦斌、罗志祥、王一博担纲明星导师的国内首档女团竞演生存秀《创造101》正在杭州进行录制。虽然还没有开播,但其热度却不断上升。 前不久网络上曝出了《创造101》参赛选手的名单,张鑫磊(张依依)是唯一的一名以网络主播身份参赛的选手,成为了整个赛事最特别的存在。那么,张依依究竟是什么来头呢? 现在的张依依是陌陌平台上的一名人气主播,注册时间为2016年5月23日,粉丝数量超过了32万。陌陌的个人资料显示,她还是一家时装店店主。 在线下,张依依凭借着青春靓丽的外形以及优雅的气质获得了2017搜狐第二届全民校花大赛全国“校花头衔”;2017年,著名时...

Recently, by tao, zhang jie, Ella, hu, show, yi-bo wang as star mentor and the women of the domestic first race in live show "101" is the hangzhou for recording. Though not yet started, but the heat is rising. Recently on the Internet that the list of "101" contestants, Zhang Xinlei (zhang yiyi) is the only one to network the host identity of players, the whole event is the most special existence. Then, zhang yiyi is what position? Now zhang yiyi is a celebrity Momo platform gas anchor, registration time is on May 23, 2016, has more than 320000 fans. Devoted to devoted to personal data show that, she is still a fashion shop owner. In the offline world, zhang yiyi with youth beautiful beautiful appearance and elegant temperament won the second session of the national campus queen contest 2017 sohu national title "campus flower"; In 2017, when the famous...