新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀视频创作大赛开启 双旦狂欢享20万福利

王者荣耀视频创作大赛开启 双旦狂欢享20万福利

King glory video creation contest open Double denier at 20 Wan Fuli

2018-01-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀全新玩法模式五军对决即将上线,这一次没有兵线没有水晶,五波人马互相厮杀,这新奇的玩法你是不是已经摩拳擦掌想要体验一番了?现在,我们给你这个机会!西瓜视频和王者荣耀官方联合举办王者荣耀视频有奖创作大赛,双旦狂欢一起赢万元大奖,体验最新玩法!更有10个体验服账号和限量版公仔等你领走。 你可以在全新的五军对决模式里秀一波操作,也可以携另一半向我们展示游戏内最强双人组合,或者再来一曲搞笑歪唱歌颂下为上王者奋斗的日日夜夜,再或者用演技配音、剪辑鬼畜碾压对手!如果你的作品足够优秀,还可以获得专题展示机会,得到更多的曝光! 相信不少小伙伴看到这里,已经按耐不住一颗爱搞事的心了,废话不多说,...

King glory new gameplay modes five army battle is about to online, this time no soldier line no crystal, five men fight each other, this novel style you want to enjoy the fresh already? Now, we give you this opportunity! Watermelon video and king glory jointly hold official king glory video prize competition, double win $ten thousand denier carnival prize, experience the latest style! More 10 take account and limited edition dolls waiting for you to collect experience. You can in the new five sides duel mode shows a wave of the operation, also can get the other half to show us the game most pairs, or another song funny I love baby, sing praises of the struggle for the king of the night and day, or use their acting dubbing, clip cattle ghost rolling! If your works are good enough, can also get special display opportunities, get more exposure! Believe a lot of friends here, have a heart of love to make things mood.according, nonsense not much said,...

标签: 视频 王者荣耀