新关注 > 信息聚合 > 涅槃重生 《荒野行动》之女战神养成记

涅槃重生 《荒野行动》之女战神养成记

Nirvana reborn the wilderness act of war form

2017-12-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一直以来FPS、ARPG等重度游戏似乎都是男性玩家居多,而女性玩家则会选择较为休闲的养成类、益智类等休闲游戏。但是网易的军事演练游戏《荒野行动》打破了这一僵局,以其优秀的品质、精美的原画、独特的玩法以及简单易上手的特性赢得了亿万玩家的青睐,其中不乏技术一流的女性玩家,她们用行动完成了从小白玩家到女战神的完美蜕变。 我们耳熟能详的Miss、小苍等选手+解说的女玩家想必大家并不陌生,她们巾帼不让须眉的姿态着实成为了女性电子竞技中的画龙点睛之笔。近来网易《荒野行动》掀起了一股全民竞技的浪潮,该作不仅以满星好评长期稳居App Store免费榜榜首位,已经成为人手必备的手游。原本认为军事演练类游...

FPS, ARPG, etc have been severe game players seem to be all the men, and women players will choose more leisure of form, the type of puzzle casual games, etc. Military drills but netease game "wilderness" action broke the deadlock, with its excellent quality, exquisite concept, unique style and the characteristics of simple and easy-to-use wins the favor of hundreds of millions of players, including technology first-class women players, they use action completed a perfect metamorphosis from small white play home to war. Our familiar Miss, small pale old player + explanation of female players is no stranger to you, they just make man's attitude is the pen of the finishing point in the female esports. Recently, netease the wilderness act was a wave of national sports, do not only with full star praise comfortably in the App Store for free list the top place for a long time, has become a necessary manpower hand tour. Originally thought of military drills to swim...