新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017“游戏十强”盛典海口落幕 途游游戏斩获两项大奖

2017“游戏十强”盛典海口落幕 途游游戏斩获两项大奖

2017 "game ten" grand ceremony in Haikou to win two awards

2017-12-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

12月19日,备受游戏行业瞩目的“2017游戏十强颁奖盛典”在海南海口落下帷幕,当晚,主办方揭晓了2017年度“游戏十强”获奖名单。凭借在手游棋牌领域的深耕运营及开拓创新,途游游戏斩获两项大奖。 途游斗地主-荣膺2017年度十大最受欢迎原创移动单机游戏 “游 戏十强”评奖由中国音数协主办、中国音数协游戏工委承办,在游戏产业界久负盛名。此番,途游游戏将1个人物奖及1个产品奖收入囊中。途游游戏总裁郭子文荣 膺“2017年度中国游戏产业十大新锐人物”,旗下明星产品途游斗地主摘得“2017年度最受欢迎十大移动单机游戏”奖。 比赛多奖励多 绿色运营赢人气 作为中国排行前三的棋牌...

In December 19th, the "2017 games ten strong awards ceremony", which is attracting much attention from the gaming industry, came to a close in Haikou, Hainan. On the night, the organizers announced the winning list of the top ten players in 2017. With the deep ploughing operation and innovation in the field of chess and cards, two awards are won in the game. The way the tour - won the 2017 annual ten most popular original mobile stand-alone game "game ten" award by the China voice Association, sponsored by China sound number association game Committee hosted the games industry reputation. This time, the game will be 1 people award and 1 product awards in the income bag. Transit tour game President Guo Ziwen won the 2017 annual Chinese game industry ten new characters ", its star product won the" 2017 annual tour. The ten most popular mobile game award. The competition is more than &nbsp, and the green operation wins the popularity as the top three chess cards in China.

标签: 游戏