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争艳北京车展 北汽要放大招儿

Bloom Beijing auto show Baic to amplification method

2016-04-21 23:38:53来源: 人民网

京城四月,繁花似锦。如同北京的温度,开幕在即的2016北京国际车展正在一天天火热起来。各大车企已摩拳擦掌,准备在这场车坛盛事上争奇斗艳,大显身手。谁能博得万众瞩目? 时常爆冷门的北汽集团再次引发媒体...

In April, carpet of flowers. As the temperature of Beijing, the opening of the 2016 Beijing international auto show is hot day by day. Various auto enterprises already limbering up, prepare the CheTan event for airtime, (see article). Who can impress the much-anticipated? Often palace-intrigue baic reignite the media...