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一哥问鼎蛟龙折戟 昆仑决诠释中华搏击新主张

One for dragon to stumble Kunlun interpretation of the new idea of fight

2016-04-11 17:46:22来源: 新浪

李星玄获胜 北京时间4月10日16:00,世界级格斗大赛《昆仑决》准点相约江苏卫视,再掀燃屏好戏。本次比赛是“昆仑决40·铜陵站”的第二季,来自全球多个国家的顶尖强手汇聚一堂,昆仑决秉承着一贯的高规格、高品质原则,为武迷们倾力呈现出最为波谲云诡、引人入胜的巅峰武者对决。这,是一场真正...

Li Xingxuan win Beijing time on April 10, 16:00, world-class fighting championship "kunlun" "meet on jiangsu TV, gaining lighted screen. This game is "kunlun" 40, tongling station "in the second quarter, from top monopoly in several countries around the world together, kunlun should uphold a consistent high standard, high quality principles, bend force for the Wu Mi presents the most changes, the peak of the fascinating fighters battle. This is a real...